
Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884

The Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884 is a visa which is applicable for a permanent resident of Australia, or parents of a settled Australian citizen, who want to stay temporarily. The Subclass 884 is a temporary visa which allows the applicant to live in Australia for 2 years and the duration of the visa period starts from attaining of the visa. During this period, the person can enroll into a full time course for pursuing higher studies on their own expenses. The visa also allows the holder to work in Australia for 2 years only.

This Australian Visa allows you to apply for a permanent one once you decide to stay there for a long time. The details of acquiring the permanent one can be achieved from the ISA Migrations & Education Consultants. The temporary visa does not allow you to extend the visa or reapplying the visa for one more term. Your family can also accompany you for which you need to mention in the application form. There are various other guide lines which need to be followed. Before applying for this visa a meeting should be held between the applicant and the consultant to discuss about the Migration Visa Australia terms and conditions clearly.

Who can apply For Contributory Aged Parent Visa Subclass 884?
There are mandatory specifications to be fulfilled before applying for the Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884. An applicant should be able to clear all these criteria when he or she is applying for it. The factors which are checked while applying Parent visa Subclass 884 visa are listed below:

  • You must be in Australia and not in the immigration clearance when you are applying or when you are deciding to apply for 884 Visa.
  • If your family member is applying with you for this visa, then they should also be present in Australia and not in the immigration process when you are applying for it.
  • When you are applying for the permanent visa while having the temporary one with no further stay condition then your application will be rejected.
  • The above condition will only be valid if you have a proper reason for it.

What Parent Visa 884 Lets You Do In Australia?

The Subclass 884 allows you to live in Australia. They help you to pursue your studies in Australia. Parent Visa 884 allows you to work in Australia for two years. You can also avail various Medicare health insurance program. The Migration Agent Australia can help you out if required to pursue your studies in Australia.

Basic Requirements of Visa Subclass 884

The Subclass 884 Visa application should be free from errors and should contain all the important documents that are required for the visa. The best way to maintain a track of all this requirements is to follow a check list. The important 884 Visa Requirements are mentioned below:

  • The applicant should maintain the age to get Australian age pension visa.

  • Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884 should attain a minimum age of 65 years or above depending on the country.

  • Clearing balance of family test is required which indicates at least first of your children should be staying in Australia.

  • You must both satisfy the character and health requirements.

  • You should be clearing off your debts if any amount is outstanding.

  • Applicants who are already residing in Australia should not have their visa cancelled or rejected even for once.

Parent Visa Subclass 884 Eligibility Criteria

There are certain points which need to be qualified before attaining the visa. You are supposed to follow each point carefully otherwise it might lead to rejection of your application. Australian government highly trained officials will evaluate your visa application for giving you a confirmation.

Have a sponsor:
The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible child. If the child cannot sponsor, eligible relative or someone eligible should sponsor them.

Age criteria:
The applicant must be a pensioner before applying for 884 Visa.

Stay condition:
The Parent visa Subclass 884 Eligibility should have no further stay condition.

Health condition:
The applicant and its family members should meet the requirements of health department of Australia.

Character requirement:
The applicant and their family member have to maintain the character requirement stated by the Australian Government.

You have to sign in Australian value statement which says that you will respect Australian way of life and obey Australian rules.

Balance of family test:
You should be able to meet the balance of family tests which includes at least half of your children are eligible children or they are more eligible children than the children living in any other country.

There should not be any debt associated with you or any member of your family. If it is there you need to be return it back to the Australian government.

Cancelled Visa:
You should not have any past record of visa cancellation or being refused while staying Australia.

Best interests of children:
You will not be able to get a visa if your child who is below 18 years is not in the best interests.

Parent Visa Subclass 884 Checklist

The Parent Visa Subclass 884 Checklist will give you information on how to carry out the process to get the visa without any problem.

Before Applying:
Go through the passport and verify if you need any help for 884 Visa or take help from someone who is acting on your behalf.

Collect all your required documents along with your family members and submit it to the required person

While applying:
While you are applying Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884, you should always remember that you should not be in immigration clearance rather you should be in Australia.

After applying:
The concerned authority will inform you when they will receive your application and documents. But you should all check if any extra details are required or not.

Visa Outcomes:
If your visa is granted then they will provide you the visa grant number and date of start of visa and condition regarding the visa.

Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884 Processing Time

There is no specific processing time for the Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884. It is first come first service. It might take longer time if the details and the documents are not properly included. The Visa Subclass 884 Checklist might take longer time if the form is not properly filled or you do not include all the documents or if more information is required for the verification purpose. Verification is not possible for 884 Visa if you do not serve the proper information. Family migration visas are in popular demand that is why it requires more time to be granted. First stage comprises of the temporary one and second stage is of the permanent one.

Name of the Visa Processing Time
First Stage Second Stage
Contributory Aged Parent Visa 884 1.5 to 2 years 12 to 18 months

FAQs of Subclass 884

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